Hiring Information
All you need to know about hiring me for your Group or Guild can be found on this page. I offer information packed Virtual Workshops and Presentations.
Sample Contract HERE. (printable)

I. Virtual Workshop Fees
- Full Day Workshop, 6 hours total of instruction - $650.00 per session
- A Full Day Workshop can be split into (2) 3 hour sessions at no extra charge.
- Half Day Workshops, 3 hours total of instruction - $450.00 per session
- Half day workshops are offered on a very limited basis, as not all topics are suitable for a half day class. Contact me if you have any questions or requests and I will be happy to work with you.
- Presented on Zoom hosted by me.
II. Virtual Presentations
- Lecture Fees, 60 minutes + additional time for Q & A - $450.00
- Presented on Zoom hosted by the Guild or Group.
Feel free to Contact US with any questions or concerns. I am here to make this easy for you, and I look forward to working with you and your Group or Guild.