Textile Artist.org Interview with April Sproule

To say April Sproule is a ‘mixed media textile artist’ is an understatement. Just take a look at the captions for her work, and you’ll see what we mean. Each piece features a compelling array of techniques and materials, including hand stitch, dyeing, printing, painting, appliqué, stencilling, and inkwork.
You might think such extensive mashups could lead to art that overwhelms, but that’s hardly the case. April expertly balances colour and composition to create cohesive works that are surprisingly neat at first glance. Even upon close inspection, April’s layers of texture and pattern seamlessly merge and often surprise the eye.
In addition to offering us a look into her process and favourite things, April also shares how renowned UK textile artists helped her discover the power of simple stitches and inspired her to let go of her need for control. She explains how Constance Howard and others have taught her that self-expression doesn’t have to be complicated when it comes to stitchwork. And we think you’ll agree.
See the full interview with lots of Beautiful Photos:
Link to Full Textile Artist.org Interview