Where the Ferns Touch the Sky

Dimensions:37"h x 35"w, Framed
Medium: Mixed Media Fiber Art, Silk
Status: Available for Purchase
Price: $2,300.00 Contact for Purchase
By: April Sproule
This fern piece marked my foray into a completely new area of surface design: painting. Although I had seen work done with this heliographic paint before, I was not prepared for how completely captivating this medium was. When I paint, I do not like to plan. I only want to let the paint flow onto the fabric and see what happens. And even better, I like to get really messy. It is part of the process.
As I slap my paint onto the clean, white fabric, I am intrigued by what is happening. Instantly the color begins spreading and blending with the other colors as I quickly run to grab whatever is on hand to create my imprints. In this case, it was the ferns and blackberries growing profusely in my front yard. This piece feels like home to me. Being surrounded by art and beauty on a daily basis is quite a privilege indeed.
It is painted on 16mm silk crepe de chine.