The bees in the Bees Hand Embroidery Pattern are filled with pattern, color, and texture for a really fun project. The designs can be embroidered separately or as they are represented here. The pattern has three different sizes of bees that are all embroidered a little bit differently.
The pattern includes clear instructions, a full-sized 8 “ x 11” traceable pattern, and recommended thread colors.This pattern is available as a Printed Pattern or a Digital Download.
The pattern includes:
- Stitch Sequence Guide for each motif
- Stitch Index with detailed instruction on how to do each embroidery stitch
- Tracing Pattern, and a full-sized sheet of the actual embroidery
Materials Needed
- Fabric, preferably 100% linen or cotton, 15”h x 12”w
- Embroidery Hoop, appx. 5-7"diameter, optional
- Embroidery Needles
- Fabric Marker
- DMC cotton embroidery floss, one skein in each color listed in pattern
Embroidery Kits Include
- Complete instructions with full-sized pattern for tracing
- Fine European linen, prewashed and cut to 12" x 15" size
- An assortment of English embroidery needles
- All DMC embroidery floss needed to complete the pattern